Cyberpunk 2077 to Feature Flying Vehicles?

Cyberpunk 2077 to Feature Flying Vehicles?

Recent speculation reveals the possibility of developer CD Projekt Red incorporating flying cars into its forthcoming futuristic role-playing game Cyberpunk 2077.

The hype has been strong for CD Projekt Red‘s next project, Cyberpunk 2077, ever since the developer finished creating all of the assets for what could very well be the last installment for a while in its popular fantasy and action-RPG series with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Of course, with the studio’s last title having not only been a hit with fans, but also having been well-received by critics, the anticipation for how CD Projekt Red will handle a more futuristic setting this time around has gamers in speculation mode, especially since little is currently known about Cyberpunk 2077.

However, if a recent post from the NeoGAF user Nirolak is to be believed, then fans should expect to see Cyberpunk 2077 incorporate flying vehicles. This notion is due to the fact that CD Projekt Red is hiring a Gameplay Programmer to join its studio in Warsaw to cooperate with Gameplay & Level Designers to “create the whole architecture of vehicle related code, and the physics of driving/flying in those vehicles.”

In addition to CD Projekt Red tinkering with the possibility of adding vehicles capable of being flown or driven into Cyberpunk 2077, it seems as if the company is going to make good on its claims that the dev team is going to be much bigger than Witcher 3 was at its peak. As it happens, another listing for a Gameplay Designer shows that the developer’s studio located in Krakow is also currently attempting to double or even triple its size as quickly as possible. This would mean that CD Projekt Red’s Krakow studio’s rough count of 30 employees could grow from anywhere in between 60 to 90 hired hands in the future.


Naturally, all of this should be good news for those following the production of Cyberpunk 2077, but it does little to explicate any hard evidence of what the game will actually contain. After all, flying vehicles have been mentioned as a possibility for gameplay before, which would have players potentially soaring through the skies of the developer’s ambitious sounding creation of a seamless multiplayer experience in a “living” city. However, nothing has been officially confirmed as of yet.

Beyond these open-ended clues as to what Cyberpunk 2077 will offer fans, not much else is known about the project other than what the trailer can offer in the way of details. Of course, with that particular piece of footage having been released almost four whole years ago, there’s a chance that CD Projekt Red has gone in a completely different direction with the tone or feel of the game since then. So, until the developer releases more video, teasers, or screenshots of Cyberpunk 2077, fans will have to wait and see what’s in store for them.

What do you think about potentially controlling flying cars in Cyberpunk 2077? How do you believe the feature should work within the game? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Cyberpunk 2077 is currently in production with no specific release date listed as of yet.

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