The Monthly Game Guide: April 2012 Video Game Releases
By Anthony Mole 11 January 2012
April’s been a strange month for video games. While we’ve seen a big release here and there, overall it’s relatively quiet. This is good news for gamers, who are possibly still knee deep in their back log, but not for publishers. Vita sales have begun to slow, which can be attributed to the lack of new titles. The Wii and 3DS are also suffering from a software drought, though the former did see a big game launch at the beginning of the month.
So what releases this month? Kinect: Star Wars and the much anticipated Xenoblade Chronicles launched in the first week of April, though we’d suggest avoiding the former and playing the latter. FEZ and Trials Evolution also makee their debut on Xbox Live Arcade, and Binary Domain gets a second chance on the PC after a less than stellar performance on the consoles.
Keep reading for a full list of this month’s releases!
April 2012 Release List
Note: Based off North American Releases, Dates And Platforms Subject To Change
Week of April 3rd, 2012
I Am Alive (PS3; April 3rd, 2012)
Canabalt (PS3, Vita, PSP; April 3rd, 2012)
Devil May Cry: HD Collection (PS3, Xbox 360; April 3rd, 2012)
Funky Barn (3DS; April 3rd 2012)
Kinect Star Wars (Xbox 360; April 3rd, 2012)
The Price is Right: Decades (PS3, Xbox 360; April 3rd, 2012)
Wheels of Destruction: World Tour (PS3; April 3rd, 2012)
Diabolical Pitch (Xbox 360; April 4th, 2012)
Confrontation (PC; April 5th, 2012)
Anomaly: Warzone Earth (Xbox 360; April 6th, 2012)
Shoot Many Robots (PC; April 6th, 2012)
Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii; April 6th, 2012)
Week of April 10th, 2012
Skullgirls (Ps3, Xbox 360; April 10th, 2012)
Sour Patch Kids: World Gone Sour (PS3, Xbox 360; April 10th, 2012)
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES (PS3; April 10th, 2012)
The Pinball Arcade (PS3, Vita; April 10th, 2012)
Treasures of Monetzuma (Vita; April 10th, 2012)
Legend of Grimrock (PC; April 11th, 2012)
The Splatters (Xbox 360; April 11th, 2012)
Men of War: Condemned Heroes (PC; April 11th, 2012)
FEZ (Xbox 360; April 13th, 2012)
Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir (3DS; April 13th, 2012)
Week of April 17th, 2012
Deadliest Warrior: Ancient Combat (PS3, Xbox 360; April 17th, 2012)
Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention (Vita; April 17th, 2012)
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet (PC; April 17th, 2012)
StarDrone Extreme (Vita; April 17th, 2012)
The House of the Dead 4 (PS3; April 17th, 2012)
The Witcher 2: Enhanced Edition (Xbox 360; April 17th, 2012)
Trials Evolution (Xbox 360; April 18th, 2012)
Week of April 24th, 2012
Firefighter 3D (3DS; April 24th, 2012)
Let’s Dance (Xbox 360, Wii; April 24th, 2012)
Prototype 2 (PS3, Xbox 360, PC; April 24th, 2012)
Deep Black: Episode 1 (Xbox 360; April 25th, 2012)
Shifting Worlds (3DS; April 25th, 2012)
Binary Domain (PC; April 27th, 2012)
Risen 2: Dark Waters (PC; April 27th, 2012)
What game are you looking forward to the most this month? Vote in the poll below! If none of your choices are in there, feel free to leave a comment!
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