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Electronic Arts Starts Removing Online Pass From Older Games

Electronic Arts is slowly lifting the online pass requirements off previously-released games, starting with titles like ‘Mass Effect 2,’ ‘Medal of Honor,’ ‘Battlefield: Bad Company...

World of Speed

Space Jam mod; BF4 DLC, Evil Within, Mario & Kirby release dates; Metal Gear Solid-themed PS4; World of Speed unveil; more Batman and other gaming news.

Shift 2 Unleashed (Drift)

Starlink: Battle for Atlas producer Matthew Rose goes in-depth about the length of the game’s campaign and detailing the many distractions to be found in Atlas.

Shift 2 Unleashed (Limited Edition Trailer)

Starlink: Battle for Atlas producer Matthew Rose goes in-depth about the length of the game’s campaign and detailing the many distractions to be found in Atlas.

‘Shift 2’ Will Show Up ‘Gran Turismo;’ Set a New Standard in Racing

Starlink: Battle for Atlas producer Matthew Rose goes in-depth about the length of the game’s campaign and detailing the many distractions to be found in Atlas.

Need for Speed Retrospective

Starlink: Battle for Atlas producer Matthew Rose goes in-depth about the length of the game’s campaign and detailing the many distractions to be found in Atlas.

The 2009 Spike VGA Winners

Starlink: Battle for Atlas producer Matthew Rose goes in-depth about the length of the game’s campaign and detailing the many distractions to be found in Atlas.

Halo: Reach Premiering at Spike’s VGAs, Nominees Revealed

Starlink: Battle for Atlas producer Matthew Rose goes in-depth about the length of the game’s campaign and detailing the many distractions to be found in Atlas.

Overwatch Free Weekend Begins Today

The free-to-play weekend that Overwatch announced earlier this week alongside the release of hero number 28 goes live today in most regions exclusively for PC.

‘Shift 2 Unleashed’ Exclusive Pagani Huayra Trailer, Screenshots

Starlink: Battle for Atlas producer Matthew Rose goes in-depth about the length of the game’s campaign and detailing the many distractions to be found in Atlas.

Release Date:
  • 12 September 2023
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Release Date:
  • 12 September 2023
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