Destiny's Raid Mechanic You'll Likely Soon Need to Know

Destiny's Raid Mechanic You'll Likely Soon Need to Know

Destiny‘s new raid has a mechanic that many players ignore or may not even know about, but it is likely to play a major part of Wrath of the Machine’s Heroic Mode.

When Destiny players first descended on Rise of Iron’s new raid, Wrath of the Machine, they discovered a mechanic in the final boss fight against Aksis. But the mechanic was pretty much completely ignored because it is not necessary to defeat Aksis. There was no reason for Destiny players to do it or work it into any strategy if it did not actually contribute in a meaningful way to conquering the raid.

However, with Heroic Mode fast approaching, it is likely to show up as a necessary part of the Aksis fight. If for some reason it does not play into Heroic Mode, it is sure to at least play into one of the Challenge Modes. So what is the mechanic, and how should teams be practicing?

Those who have played Wrath of the Machine are likely to remember the Supercharge pads scattered across the room where the Aksis encounter takes place. They are the squares of what looks like glass panels, colored red. During the teleport phase, one of these squares around the room will light up with a pillar of red light to show it is active. If an empowered Guardian slams that pad before another empowered Guardian slams Aksis, the entire raid team will receive full supers.

At this point, the Supercharge strategy has only been used by teams who are speedrunning the raid, allowing them to take down Aksis in one rotation in some cases. But it is unlikely that this mechanic was put into the raid by Bungie just for this purpose. So fans are assuming that it will play a major part in Heroic Mode.

With Bungie keeping Heroic Mode’s new challenges a secret, it isn’t known exactly why Supercharge will be needed. It could be a way to put more damage onto Aksis, who is likely to have a larger health pool than in Normal Mode. Or if Bungie expounds the problem by taking away some of pillars to survive Aksis’ attack at the end of each rotation, players will need to deal that damage even faster than before. Or there could even be a completely new mechanic added to the encounter that will require Supercharge.

For those wanting to practice the Supercharge mechanic, ahead of the release of Wrath of the Machine’s Heroic Mode, YouTuber Dukaness has put together a thorough guide and lays out a solid strategy for hitting the Supercharge pads on every teleport.

Wherever the Supercharge mechanic comes into play, it is going to take a lot of team coordination, so it’s best to understand how it works and get a hang for it as soon as possible. Heroic Mode launches Tuesday, October 18th at 2:00 p.m. Pacific.

Destiny: Rise of Iron is available now on PS4 and Xbox One.

Source: Dukaness

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